Editor shares pride in journalists as Commonwealth Games closes
Graeme Brown (Editor Birmingham Mail)
An editor has shared his pride in his team for their coverage of a major sporting event on their patch.
Graeme Brown has thanked journalists working for the Birmingham Mail after the 2022 Commonwealth Games came to a close in the city.
The Mail devoted 12 pages a day to coverage of the event – as well as running special souvenir editions – while its Birmingham Live sister website ran live blogs every day.
In particular, Graeme gave credit to what’s on editor Megan Archer-Fox for managing his newsroom’s coverage of the Games.
How the Mail covered the end of the Games
Speaking to HTFP, he said: “I’m so proud of my team throughout the games – a core group of seven or eight have seen to it that nothing has happened in Birmingham without their knowing.
“They approached it with positivity but no less journalistic rigour, while celebrating and commiserating with our readers.
“We were at every major event, with live broadcasts, live blogs, breakout stories, front pages, comment, the works.
“The Birmingham Mail was there right at the start of the Games – we were the ones who campaigned for a bid in the first place – and I think we can look back on our coverage with pride – while looking forward to continuing to report on the legacy.”